The Oxford 3000 with Meaning and Examples. Words from (31 - 40)

The Oxford 3000 with Meaning and Examples. Words from (31 - 40)
Hello everyone. This is the lesson "No. 4" from this series of the most important and widely used 3000 words in English language with meaning and examples. 
Please, Study them carefully. Let's get started:

31. acid   "noun"

a chemical substance that has a pH of less than 7. Strong acids can burn holes in material or damage your skin

-  sulphuric acid
-  an acid taste/smell
acid soil

32. acknowledge   "verb"

to admit or accept that something is true or that a situation exists

-  He acknowledged that it was his fault.
-  "Maybe you are right," she acknowledged.
-  The government must acknowledge what is happening and do something about it.

33. acquire   "verb"

to get something or to gain knowledge and learn a skill

-  He has acquired an email address and a site on the internet. 
-  In 1998 the business was acquired by a Dutch company.
-  He acquired a good knowledge of Chinese. 

34. across   "adverb, preposition"

from one side to the other of something with clear limits, such as an area of land, a road, a river, etc. or on the opposite side of something

-  He walked across the road.
-  We'll have to swim across.
-  They're building a new bridge across the river.
-  The library is just across the road.


35. act   "noun"

something that you do

-  a kind of thoughtless/selfish act
-  The new president's first act should be to end the war.

      act   "verb"

to do something in a particular way or for a particular reason

-  Don't be so silly, you're acting like a child.
-  He acted as if he'd never met me before.
-  She acts as if she owns the place and we're her servants.

36. action   "noun"

the process of doing something, especially when dealing with a problem or difficulty 

-  We must take action to deal with the problem before it spreads to other areas.
-  The government must take action now to stop the rise in violent crime.
-  It's been politics as usual - all talk and no action.

37. active   "adjective"

always busy doing things, especially physical or mental activities  or  to be involved in a particular activity

-  You've got to try to keep active as you grow older.
-  She's over 80, but is still very active.
-  He's an active member of his trade union (= not only belongs to, but does work to help it).
opposite:  "inactive"

38. actively   "adverb"

in a way that involves positive action

-  I've been actively looking for a job for 6 months.
-  He's very actively involved in the local party.
-  It's nice to have a man who actively encourages me to spend money.

39. activist   "noun"

someone who works hard doing practical things to achieve social or political change

activist groups
-  environmental activists
-  an animal rights activist
-  He's been a trade union activist for many years.

40. activity   "noun"

things that people do, especially in order to achieve a particular aim or goal 

-  leisure activities
-  What kind of activities do you enjoy?
-  Regular physical activity helps to control your weight.

I hope you found this lesson helpful. If you have any questions, please leave a comment below. Thanks.

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