The Oxford 3000 with Meaning and Examples. Words from (111 -120)

The Oxford 3000 with Meaning and Examples. Words from (111 -120)
Hello everybody. This is the lesson "No. 12" from this series of the most important and widely used 3000 words in English language with meaning and examples. 
Please, Study them carefully. Let's get started:

111. alphabetical   "adjective"

arranged in the same order as the letters of the alphabet

-  an alphabetical list
-  The names are published in alphabetical order.
-  The files are arranged in alphabetical order.

112. alphabetically   "adverb"

in the order of the letters of the alphabet

-  Are the recorders filed alphabetically?
-  I've arranged the pictures of the animals alphabetically from aardvark to zebra.
-  The books should be ordered alphabetically by subject.

113. already   "adverb"

before now or before a particular time in the past

-  I've already told him. 
-  "Do you want a cup of coffee?" "No thanks, I already have some." 
-  We got there early but he had already left.
-  Is it already 5 o'clock?
-  It has already started.

114. also   "adverb"

in addition

-  He's an engineer and also writes books.
I'm cold and I'm also hungry. 
-  He's fluent in German and French. He also speaks a little Spanish. 
-  The system was not only complicated but also ineffective.

115. alter   "verb"

to change, or to make someone or something change

-  We've had to alter some of our plans.
-  His face hadn't altered much over the years.
-  Nothing can alter the fact that we are to blame.

 116. alternative   "noun"

something you can choose to do or use instead of something else

-  Is there a viable alternative to the present system?
-  Which alternatives are likely to reduce traffic? 
-  I'm afraid I have no alternative but to ask you to leave.

         alternative   "adjective"

different from something else and able to be used instead of it (also alternate)

alternative sources of energy
an alternative lifestyle 
alternative approaches to learning
-  Have you any alternative suggestions?

117. alternatively   "adverb"

used to suggest another possibility 

-  We could go to the Indian restaurant, or alternatively, we could try that new Italian place.
-  We could take the train or alternatively go by car.
 Alternatively, it can be taken in tablet or capsule form.
-  Alternatively, you may telephone us direct if you wish.

118. although   "conjunction"

used to introduce a statement that makes your main statement seem surprising or unlikely

Although the car is old, it still runs well.
Although the sun was shining, it wasn't very warm.
Although in poor health, she continued to carry out her duties.
-  No, this is my responsibility, although I appreciate your offer.

119. altogether  "adverb"

used to emphasize that something has been done completely or has finished completely 

-  I'm not altogether sure I want that.
-  I don't altogether agree with you.
-  The train went slower and slower until it stopped altogether.
-  It was an altogether different situation.

120. always   "adverb"

every time or all the time

-  It's always cold in this room.
-  She always spells my name wrong.
-  Always lock your car.
-  He's always been very curious.

I hope you found this lesson helpful. If you have any questions, please leave a comment below. Thanks.

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