How to Introduce Yourself for the First Time

How to Introduce Yourself for the First Time

Hello my friends and welcome to this lesson from my blog "English to Fluency".
Today, I'm going to talk about the first conversation with someone you meet for the first time.
Please, read the following dialogue carefully:

A:  Hello. My name is --------------- (say your name)
B:  I'm ----------- (his name). Nice to meet you
A:  Nice to meet you too. Where are you from?   
B:  I'm from ----------- (his country or his city). And you?
A:  I'm from ------------ (say your country or your city)


1- Instead of saying  "Nice to meet you"  you can say  "Pleased to meet you"  or  "It's pleasure to meet you" or "Glad to meet you".

2- Instead of saying  "Where are you from?"  you can say  "What city are you from?"  or  "What country are you from?"  and in some situations you can say  "What nationality are you?"  especially at places like airport.   

Giving your phone number and address:

A:  What's your first name, please?
B:  My first name is ----------- (say your first name). 
A:  What's your last name, please?
B:  My last name is ----------- (say your last name). 
A:  What's your address, please?
B:  My address is ----------- (say your address). 
A:  What's your phone number, please?
B:  My phone number is ----------- (say your phone number).

I hope you found this post helpful. If you have any questions, please leave your comment below. Thanks.            


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