Job Interview Questions and Answers Part (1). Introduction

Job Interview Questions and Answers Part (1). Introduction
Hello everyone, and welcome to the first lesson from "Business English". Today, I'm going to talk about a very important topic for many people "Job Interview". Well, don't worry. In these lessons you will learn how to act and how to answer all common questions in the interview with confidence. You will learn more than one sample of responding to questions, so you can choose easily what will work for you.
Please, study the following dialogues carefully:

Before the interview

Example 1

HR:   Hello Mr ---------. How are you?
You:  Good, thank you.
HR:   Please, have a seat.
You:  Thanks.
HR:   Would you like some coffee or tea?
You:  No, thank you. I'm fine.

Example 2

HR:   Good morning Mr ---------. How are you today?
You:  Fine, thanks. And you?
HR:   I'm fine, thank you. Please follow me. We'll meet in the conference room.
You:  Okay.

Example 3

HR:   Are you Mr ---------.
You:  Yes, I am.
HR:   Thank you for coming.
You:  Of course.
HR:   Would you like a glass of water or a cup of coffee before you begin?
You:  No, thanks. I'm fine.
HR:   All right. Then, please come with me.
You:  Sure.

Example 4

HR:   Hello Mr ----------.
You:  Yes.
HR:   Could you give me one minute? I'll be right with you.
You:  Sure.
HR:   Okay, thanks for waiting. Please, follow me.
         Please, sit down. How are you doing this morning?
You:  I'm doing fine, thank you.
HR:   Thanks for being patient, things are quite busy here right now.
You:  It's no problem.

Please Note:  How are you doing? =  How are you?

Example 5   

You:  Hello. 
HR:   Yes, hello. May I help you?
You:  Yes, I'm here to see Mr ---------- about the accounting position.
HR:   Right, it's me. Glad to meet you.      
You:  Glad to meet you too.
HR:   Please, sit down. Could I have you fill out this application form?
You:  Sure.
HR:   Take your time, just let me know when you're finished
You:  Okay.

I hope you found this lesson helpful. If you have any questions, please leave a comment below. See you in the next lesson. Thanks.

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