How to Ask a Question using "am, is, and are"

How to Ask a Question using "am, is, and are"
Hello everyone. Today we'll learn how to ask a question in the simple present form of verb To Be by using am, is and are.
Let's get started:
You can ask "Yes/No" questions also called (closed questions) by using the following forms:
am I?, is he?, is she?, is it?, are we?, are you?, are they? 

Please study the following examples carefully:

Am I late?
Is you father at work?
Is your mother at home?
Is it cold today?
Are we on time?
Are you married?
Are they new?

You can answer these questions using short answers or not. Please read the follwoing examples carefully:                                                                                                           

- Yes, you are late.           or       Yes, you are.                                 
   No, you're on time.        or       No, you're not = No, you aren't.     
-  Yes, he is at work.         or       Yes, he is.    
   No, he isn't at work.       or       No, he's not = No, he isn't.
- Yes, she is at home.       or       Yes, she is.
   No, she isn't at home.    or       No, she 's not = No, she isn't.
-  Yes, it is cold today.       or       Yes, it is.
   No, it isn't cold today.     or       No, it's not = No, it isn't.
-  Yes, you are on time.     or       Yes, you are.
   No, you aren't on time .  or       No, you're not = No, you aren't. 
-  Yes, I'm married.            or       Yes, I am. 
   No, I'm not married.       or        No, I 'm not.

So, you can use either complete answers or short answers in both positive and negative forms. 

How to use What, Where, Why, Who, When and How in questions?

Please, read the following examples carefully:

What colour is your car?           (to ask about things). 
Where is your father?               (to ask about places).
Why is it so expensive?            (to ask about reasons).
Who is that man?                     (to ask about persons).
When is the next lesson?         (to ask about time).
How old are you?                     (to ask about age).
How much are they?                (to ask about price).

Note that we can use short forms as follows:

What's the time?
Where's your bag?
Why's it cold here?
Who's there?
When's the test?
How's your father?

I hope you found this lesson helpful. If you have any questions, please leave your comment below. Thanks.

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