Job Interview Questions and Answers Part (3). Educational Experience

Job Interview Questions and Answers Part (3). Educational Experience
Hello everyone.
In this part you will learn how to talk about your educational background and your formal degrees.
Please, imagine yourself in a real interview and repeat the questions and answers until you master them.
Please, study the following dialogues carefully:

Educational Experience

Example 1

HR:   Please tell me about your educational background.
You:  I graduated from Cornell University in 2005 with a BA in computer science.
HR:   Why did you choose computer science? 
You:  Well, ever since I've been young I've been interested in computers. So, when I entered university, I thought that a career in computers would be a good choice.
HR:   Have you ever studied outside of the university?
You:  Yes, I've studied on my own and I took an evening course in a small computer school.

Example 2

HR:   Tell me a little about your educational background.
You:  Sure, I received a Bachelor's degree in history from Houston University in 2012. After that I studied at the university of Texas and received my NBA in 2015.
HR:   Why did you choose the university of Texas for your Master's degree?
You:  I visited the campus and I met some of the professors, and I really liked it.
HR:   How will your education help you with this position?
You:  My education has taught me how to work hard and how to succeed, it also taught me a lot about society and business environment. 

Example 3

HR:   Please tell me about your formal education?
You:  Well, I just graduate from Kansas State University three months ago with a Bachelor's degree in business administration.
HR:   How was your experience there?
You:  It was a very good experience for me. I learned a lot. It was challenging and rewarding. 

Example 4

HR:   Can you tell me about your education?
You:  Yes, I studied political science at Michigan state University and Lansing for four years. I got my Bachelor's degree in 2014. For the past two years I've attended some courses but I haven't finished them all.
HR:   Did you plan to finish your courses?
You:  I hope to finish this year.

Example 5   

HR:   Tell me about your educational background.
You:  I graduate from Harvard University with a Bachelor's degree in accounting. I also minored in business technology.
HR:   How is your education helped with your work?
You:  It taught me the basics of accounting and also about business. It taught me how to solve problems and how to work hard.

I hope you found this lesson helpful. If you have any questions, please leave a comment below. See you in the next lesson. Thanks.

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